Friday, March 27, 2009

At Least I Am Not Running Into Things

I hate introductions. Another thing I have learned to hate is the first post of a blog. I feel like they are supposed to set up this awesome life and tell how stinking cool I am. I especially don't like them because I already have done one of these....and I don't even remember what I did. I think I didn't even introduce myself, which is weird. Like am I supposed to act like I have had a blog for all my life and just start off where I am at or should I start from the beginning? Then again identity theft is pretty big these days and giving away things like the fact that I could listen to U2 every minute of my life and be fulfilled might be a little sketchy. Another thing that I don't like about it is that whole meeting thing. I am super shy and not only that I really have nothing to say. I have actually devoted a whole post about that so we wont go into great detail, but really all i will say is my name and I am fully content. The End. 
So..I am going to just say that if you want to know me, well read my other blog or read this one, but I am approximately 96% sure that mostly people don't really care or already know as much as I want them to know about me. So take that for what it is worth and I will let lexi introduce herself in the way she pleases.
The End


Kylee said...

I like that the name of your blog has randomly capitalized letters. Giving a small flashback to msn messenger and myspace.

Ashley and Chris said...

hmm, maybe you should write another funny story to entertain me... i need to laugh today.