Thursday, April 9, 2009

What Color Are You?

White:  The peacemaker.  You choose to park far away from others, pulling all the way through to avoid backing out.  Cars clustered together give you anxiety, so you would rather park in an entirely different parking area than search for a spot.  If there is one available spot, and you see another car coming toward it, you would rather give up than deal with potential controversy.  Your dream is to one day never need to leave your house.

Red:  Parking stalls are a status symbol.  You will pay extra money for better parking.  You are a stall-hunter, waiting behind a potential opening, and marking your prey by using your blinker.  You strive for employee of the month just for the parking spot.  Your dream is to one day be successful enough to have your own reserved parking stall.

Yellow:  Parking stall lines are merely suggestions to you.  You often find yourself taking up multiple stalls, but only because you are unaccustomed to rigidity and find that the lines restrict your parking creativity.  Your signature move is to park 5 feet in front of the door with your hazards on, as an act of courtesy toward those maneuvering around you.  Your dream is to one day be able to park inside buildings.

Blue:  Parking is relative.  Whether there be 8 stalls, or 1000 stalls, your mood of the day is dependent on where, in relation to others, you parked.  You feel it a personal offense when others park closer to the building than you.  You arrive to work early, sometimes hours early, just to score the best spot.  You will sometimes move your car closer during lunch hour, and it will be the highlight of your day.  Your dream is to one day park in a parking lot in which every stall is equidistant from the entrance.

I am most definately white!!!


Lexi said...

This is the biggest bunch of crap.. i am none of these. Who the heck thinks that much about where they park?

Cassidie Anne said...

you really dont think about it?

Ashley and Chris said...

i am yellow, not on purpose, but you try to be 4'11" and try to peak over the steering wheel to see the lines!