Monday, March 30, 2009

The Best Kind of Prize is a SURPRISE!!!

So the other day it was Lexi and my's (?) best friend of 18 years birthday and her boyfriend decided that we must make a surprise party for her. And thus we did! She is living at her uncle's grandma's house or something like that right now so Lexi and I were able to decorate the entire house :)  The house was and is the cutest thing in the entire world! I felt like I had stepped back into some magical place that was full of cute wallpaper and orange floral couches! 
This was the wallpaper in the bathroom and I had to take a picture. Yeah I had the camera in the bathroom....and thus I had to take one of these.
But Lexi and I were able to get in the house after a long and winding course to get all the keys for the house. This is lexi and me doing our thing
Lexi can't go without confetti and I can't go without balloons and streamers. We are just so happy to be decorating!
Once Chalise finally came home we surprised her and I somehow forgot to take a picture of her face, but oh well. Her boyfriend got her the cutest disney Cinderella and lots of candles!

Then the party began as Lexi wanted to be fully covered in the confetti
and no party would be a party without a few group photos
This is our group!! And of course the cutting of the cake and smashing it in the face by your love is always something you do on the day of your birth? Right?
RIGHT! Please note the inch thick confetti that is lining the carpet. That is how us [home town] girls roll! Thank you very much! Happy Birthday Chal and have a wonderful year of being old!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I can't believe she talked me into this!

Why hello fellow bloggers.. I can say that now because I am now one of you!  Let me introduce myself with a little story...
Once upon a time, in a far away land, there lived a girl by the name of Dexi (the name has been changed for privacy).  Dexi has a bffe whose name is Dass (name has also been changed for privacy).  Dass loves to blog and write silly stories all day long, and Dexi does not.  They are like yin and yang, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid, Randy and Diane.. etc.  One day Dass decided that she and Dexi should have a joint blog.. Dexi at the time was eating an ice cream sandwich and was totally out of her mind.  She agreed.  Now she must join a world she never fully understood and hope to be accepted among the bloggers.  The end.

Ok so that is how this started.  What can I say, I am a blogger.. word!

Friday, March 27, 2009

At Least I Am Not Running Into Things

I hate introductions. Another thing I have learned to hate is the first post of a blog. I feel like they are supposed to set up this awesome life and tell how stinking cool I am. I especially don't like them because I already have done one of these....and I don't even remember what I did. I think I didn't even introduce myself, which is weird. Like am I supposed to act like I have had a blog for all my life and just start off where I am at or should I start from the beginning? Then again identity theft is pretty big these days and giving away things like the fact that I could listen to U2 every minute of my life and be fulfilled might be a little sketchy. Another thing that I don't like about it is that whole meeting thing. I am super shy and not only that I really have nothing to say. I have actually devoted a whole post about that so we wont go into great detail, but really all i will say is my name and I am fully content. The End. 
So..I am going to just say that if you want to know me, well read my other blog or read this one, but I am approximately 96% sure that mostly people don't really care or already know as much as I want them to know about me. So take that for what it is worth and I will let lexi introduce herself in the way she pleases.
The End